
Anchoring works

Anchoring works

We contract anchor sites according to the method of implementation and service life, always tailored to the site. Our installers and supervisors are the most experienced professionals in the field. We use high-quality anchors made of tendon braids as well as self-drilling and rod anchors. We also supply non-stressed rock bolts.

We always offer anchoring work according to the content requested by the customer, with products according to the plans. We can also offer watercraft tests and sealing injections for anchoring sites.

Our anchorages have included, among others:

Port construction

We can offer a wide selection of port structures with or without corrosion protection.

Retaining walls

We can find the systems used for anchoring different retaining walls, we can also take care of the installations, injections and tensions according to the customer's needs.

Our product range includes:

Wind power

We deliver strand and thread bar anchors to wind turbines installed and tensioned or simply as a material delivery, depending on the customer's needs. We can also offer water pressure tests and pre-grouting of rock.

Are you looking for a stress contracting professional for your project? Take contact!

Jonas Koistinen

Project Manager, Post-tensioning works

Juha-Matti Paloniemi

Head of Unit, Post-tension works